My Father's Journey - Part 3
Before you read the next installment of My Father's Journey, please read the first two installments...
My Father's Journey - Part 1During the months that have transpired since I learned of David's battle with cancer I have been quite overwhelmed and greatly encouraged by the number of people around the world who have written of their support, and others that I have met personally who have expressed wonderful faith in David's ultimate healing. Many have shared how their lives have been changed and transformed through David's ministry, and we have all been learning so many things in greater depth concerning the nature of God's love and compassion for us all.
My Father's Journey - Part 2
Every day it seems as though the Lord has given special words of direction for David out of the Word of God. It is wonderful how David has been able, in the midst of suffering, to maintain a tremendous declaration of faith in the ultimate purposes of God. Many times he has been going out to the hospital to pray for other sick folk and they have been greatly encouraged.
Two things have emerged very strongly and have been re-enforced within my heart. The first is based on a study we wrote in "The King's Table" called "Adversity is a Plus" and I have grown to realise that every miracle that God has performed, expressed throughout Scripture, happened at times when the people were locked in extreme circumstances of adversity. So this situation of David's is a perfect scenario for God to perform another of His great miracles. The second thing that I've been encouraged with again is the great part that the trial of faith plays in our lives, for God reminds us that the trial of faith is not the trial of failure but the trial of faith, and it is in that experience when the character of God is formed in us, and this is more precious than gold (1 Peter 1:6-7).
At every stage of the Journey so far we have seen significant answers to prayer and these have come as a great encouragment. Yesterday David got the results of the latest scan which showed that in the last three months the cancer has not advanced or spread. We thank the Lord for this and feel that the miracle is not far away. He feels strongly about this too.
At the moment David is sleeping well and eating well and beginning to feel stronger, although in the last week or so, because of weakness, he has found it difficult to write in his blog. He has felt badly about this because he wants to communicate with you and because he hasn't had the strength to write he feels that he is letting people down. We have, of course, been encouraging him that people understand.
Bunty and I feel very proud of the family for their strong faith for David. The times we have had with David and Elena and their children in prayer and communion together have been very precious, and David's sister, Rebecca, who is in Thailand with Timothy and their seven children, has been keeping in close touch with David and the whole family have been praying together for him. The Scripture reminds us that God is always at his work (John 5:17) and He who has begun a good work in us will complete it (Philippians 1:6). So, day by day, we live with great expectation of the visitation of the Lord to David and the ministry of His angels to him (Hebrews 1:14).