Writing Project - Become a Cancer Victor!
I've been in recovery mode for the most part over the last couple of weeks (beginning with the first symptoms of bowel obstruction just over two weeks ago). But I can give testimony to the daily experience of God's grace in my life -- his healing touch, his quiet assurance and his absolute friendship through thick and thin.
Although I haven't put "pen to paper" much in my blogs over the last fortnight, I have been writing. I began writing a book, about two weeks ago, which I'm calling "Become a Cancer Victor!" In this book, I'm seeking to distill all the lessons I'm learning on my "path of victory" that the Lord is unfolding before my feet.
I've attached a link to the Introduction to the book here. I'd love you to read it, and offer any comments you may have. I'll share more about the book later down the track.
Become a Cancer Victor! - IntroductionIn the meantime, keep looking to Him always!
BTW, I've just posted a report in The Prayer Firewall Blog, sharing with you the latest results from CT scans and reports.
Any chance you will have the opportunity among your various writing projects to finish the "Discovering Jesus" course? The focus on the life and ministry of Jesus in that study has been such a blessing to me a a wonderful teaching resource for "new" Christians. Would love to have access to the complete study.
This is something I've been discussing with the OBC leadership team about. I feel the DJC is too big a task for me to handle by myself at the moment. I need someone to write it with me collaboratively (or better still a team of people).
I had someone lined up all ready to begin with me in February, and that person took on a new pastoral role and had to put everything on hold as far as writing the DJC. So we're just looking to the Lord, at the moment, for the best path forward for that course. Pray with me that we will find a good solution.
This introduction will certainly arouse interest in delving further into the book I think.
I pray you will have so much fruit out of this trial David. So I hope many will respond to the good news in this book.
Heaps of grace and peace to you and your family.
Thanks for your comments, David. As you can probably pick up from the Introduction, I'm aiming not just at the classic Christian market, but a broader spectrum of people with cancer. My heart is that I'll be able to provide both hope and practical help for cancer sufferers - or more accurate, budding cancer victors!
Hi David,
I am so glad to see you writing and with Gods loving grace and protection you`ll have a complete recovery.
May God continue to bless you and your family as you said "It`s all about Him".
Love Brad and Carol
David, I've just finished reading the introduction to your book "Become a Cancer Victor". At the end of the introduction, I was truly left with a sense of wanting more.
There has been a lot of cancer in my family, so I'm very interested in all that the Lord would have you to share with others and me. Please continue to write so that truth may be revealed to anyone who is hurting and/or lost, whether it be directly or indirectly resulting from cancer.
Also, I wanted to tell you that the introduction ministered to me in other areas. While you may be led to tell of your journey with cancer, please do not think this is the only area that the Lord will use your book or your experiences.
It is my prayer that God will be to you whatever you need Him to be. If you need Him to be your Comforter, your Friend, your Healer, your All-in-All, your Ever-Present Hope, your Inspiration, your Strength, your Joy, etc., that He will be to you whatever you need Him to be on this day and every day.
I don't know if you've seen this before, but I'm enclosing it in case you have not:
What Cancer Cannot Do
Cancer is so limited . . .
It cannot cripple love,
It cannot shatter hope,
It cannot corrode faith,
It cannot destroy peace,
It cannot kill friendship,
It cannot suppress memories,
It cannot silence courage,
It cannot invade the soul,
It cannot steal eternal life,
It cannot conquer the spirit.
(Source unknown)
David, may you be challenged to be able to expand on "What Cancer Cannot Do..." (as well as to maybe create a "What Cancer Can Do..." or "What Have I Learned through Cancer..." list) in this journey (your earthly life's journey).
I'm also reminded of what Joseph said in Genesis 50:20 to his brothers, "...what you've meant for harm (evil), God has meant it for good...", or as it is worded in the NIV and paraphrased about cancer, "You (cancer) intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives."
May God continue to bless you richly as you continue to seek to serve Him.
Because He Lives...
I read the introduction for this book idea of yours. It is really good.
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