Born for the Glory

Part of David's legacy to the Body of Christ is a book co-authored with his parents, Paul and Bunty Collins. He loved the Body of Christ and looked for it immerging as the prepared Bride of Christ ready for His return. It is important that we have clear guidelines and directions from the Word of God as to God's ultimate intention for the Body of Christ which will eventually be presented to the Lord as His Bride. For this purpose we were directed by the Lord to trace the magnificent journey of every believer to the fulfillment of God's glorious plan. "Born for the Glory" has been published by Tate Publishers and is now available in bookstores.
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We would like to have you join us in praying that this message will be a blessing and a unifying factor for the Body of Christ and will bring glory to God. Thank you for praying with us.
Paul and Bunty