Tuesday, April 11, 2006

The Question of Value

One of the most important lessons I'm learning during this trial of faith is on the issue of value - or more specifically, on how I value myself. I'm a very goal-oriented person, which also means that I tend to attribute value in my life to my achievements - the goals which I set and meet. This, however, has a downside. It means that when I'm not meeting my goals, when "achieving" is for any reason not possible, then my sense of personal value is impacted.

Over the last few weeks, I've experience a great drain on my energy as a direct result of the side-effects of chemotherapy. I've been sleeping a lot more, and the times between sleep, where I can potentially "achieve" practical results in my life and ministry, are short (sometimes just a few hours). You'll have noticed this, for example, in the infrequency of my blog-writing of late.

I'm greatly encouraged by many aspects of my ministry at Evangelical Community Church. I still minister frequently at the various ECC services, particularly at the 11 am Sunday service and the 6pm evening service (also called "Twilight"). Each time I preach, I experience a surge of energy which I know has its source in God's grace alone (adrenaline simply would not produce the strength I experience each time I minister). Each week, I seek to meet up with at least two people to minister into their lives. But although these expressions of ministry have been wonderful outlets for me, I've found myself increasingly discouraged, even occasionally depressed, over the last few weeks.

Not being able to write my regular blog posts has been a case in point. For the first couple of months in 2006 I greatly enjoyed using the blog as a means to "reach out" beyond myself, to use my time of suffering to be a means to bless others. But when this channel of regular output was taken away, due to the sapping of my strength over the last couple of months, I began to experience great discouragement. Why? Because I tended to see the value of my life based on what I was doing, who I was ministering to. When that was taken away, my sense of self-value took a plunge.

But in all of this, the Lord has been speaking into my life. He's been using this time of weakness to teach me that value, as he sees it, is very different to what I see as value. For example, one of the scriptures that the Lord has spoken to me through is Matthew 13:45-46:
"Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it."
In this parable, Jesus was speaking about the issue of value in the kingdom of God - that once true value is recognised, people are willing to give up all in order to obtain it. But then 1 Corinthians 6:20 tells us:
"...you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body."
In other words, Jesus put his own parable into practice. He saw something valuable, and was willing to "sell all" (even his own life) in order to obtain it. And what was that "pearl of great value"? It wasn't what I do (my ministry); it was me myself! In the Lord's eyes, I am the "pearl of great value"! I am what he gave up his life for!

This changes the way I look at my life. I'm slowly begin to re-evaluate the issue of value, as far as my life is concerned. It is not in what I do that determines my value, but in me myself. After all, just speak with Elena and the children, and that is what they will tell you. My parents also see it this way. So I also need to begin to see it that way. Value is based on the person, not the activity; it is focused on the relationship, not the function.

Today I was reading Psalm 36:7, which says:
"How priceless is your unfailing love! Both high and low among men find refuge in the shadow of your wings."
Notice what is "priceless" (or of "great value") is God's unfailing love. Value in the kingdom of God is based on relationship - the mutual flow of love. What a wonderful God, who looks at us not in terms of what we can do for him, but in terms of who we ourselves are.


At 5:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Ps David,
From whichever angle I see it, you have been and will always be a blessing to many people.

At 5:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Brother David,

God is working in and through you - it is such a blessing to see His greatness at work in you.

Give everyone a hug for me


At 5:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brother David

Surely you must know what a blessing you are!!! I praise God everday for making me worthy of being one of his children. What a gracious God we serve. Your testimony is such an inspiration. I thank you from the heart.

God Bless You Richly
and know that You are in my prayers.

Love and Blessings to you and your family.


At 6:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I remember when I was going through a tough period, when I didn't think I was achieving anything and therefore not valuable - God's words to me was that He loved me in spite of myself - no matter what I thought about myself or my worth - He loved me through it - that was incredibly encouraging to me and I am encouraged that God is encouraging you similarly. It is all about His love for us, in us and through us - no matter how much or how little we "achieve". I think you have always displayed that sentiment to others - you have always loved and encouraged us no matter what - it's now your turn to receive that love and encouragement from the Lord and let Him lift you and build you up. You are precious and valuable to God - possibly even more so in times of trial and "weakness" because your relationship and reliance on God must deepen in times of weakness and He loves us to be totally reliant on Him.

Love you heaps and give my love to Elena and the family.


At 11:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I greatly appreciate your strength and your always looking to do do as God wants, especially now. I stood with my mother through this very same thing about 14 years ago, and learned so much more about the grace and love of God, not only to her, and how He blessed her, but to me, and how blessed I learned I was to Him. He taught me not to so much worry about what I was to do for Him next, but that there were times, when He more than anything else, just wanted my company. I feel right now, that whatever God is going to do with you in the future, that right now He loves your company more than anything else, and I don't know how many times He simply just asks, 'Do you love Me ?', and all I want to do is sit down and wrap up in His presence. I am nowhere near being a'superspiriual' person, just an everyday Christian, but I do know that God loves you more than even you know. I hope this doesn't sound incoherent at all... Tricia

At 4:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear David,

Wow, What a reminder that God is not done yet! I have been struggling with brainsurgeries and medications and God has remained my only lifeline, its good to see someone else that is seeing the same thing! God Bless and know that You are being uplifted in prayer!

At 6:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Brother David,

I see God working through you. It has encouraged the folks at our little church because some have different types of cancer. Your positive attitude and faith in our Lord Jesus is awesome. Praise God!
Thank you for your testomony and and your stedfast faith. May God continue to watch over you and give you His strength.

In His precious name,
Love Brad and Carol

At 7:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My Dear Brother David,

I have been in earnest prayer for you. I have been forever changed by your courses in the Online Bible College. With your permission I hope to use the material at a school I am going to be teaching at this fall. I am moving to Penang, Malaysia to teach at the Dalat International School. Your material is so good and so needed for young Christian People. I am sure when you at last you wake up in Jesus arms and He says to you Well Done Brother David, enter into your reward, that your pain will cease and your strength will soar.

God Bless you my Brother. I will look for you in Heaven. I feel I already know you.

Your Brother in Christ,
Doug Yost


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