Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Announcement - A Word of Explanation

I'm presently finishing off my latest post, which should be ready in the morning (my time), but I thought it would be good at this point to explain my current situation.

My intention is to complete one post a day, when able (although there are, of course, times, such as my last hospital stay, when this is not possible). But there are days when I need to contend with fatigue (and this has been the case this last week). On some days, I need relatively little rest (sometimes one sleep in the afternoon is all I need); but on other days, I may sleep several times during the day (such as today). This obviously disrupts my writing routine, making it difficult on those days to keep up with a once-a-day pace for posting on the blog. While I count it a joy to write the blog, it is also important not to push myself too hard (something I can all too easily do).

For example, I had originally hoped to catch up with some back-dated posts this week, but it's obvious at this point that this is impractical (by the way, a few have asked me why some of the recent posts show dates that a week old, and no, there's no glitch - I had just back-dated them). So starting tomorrow, my posts will come as usual, on the day they were written. And I will still aim to post once a day, when able. But if I'm unable to do so, due to fatigue, I may skip a day or occasionally two. I won't make an announcement to that effect unless the delay is, for any reason, extended beyond a couple of days.

Thanks for your understanding.


At 11:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, David. No need to explain anything. We are just so blessed to receive what we get from you whenever we get it. When none comes, we just pray that all is well. Whatever is good for you and you can handle, is ok with us. Do take care. You are precious to us and to the Kingdom.

Abet and Rina

At 9:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Ps. David,
It was nice of you to explain your situation but it is not necessary. There's so much to read and learn here on your blog. When all is 'quiet', surely your readers will understand. You shouldn't be pushing yourself to post one daily. All we need to know every now and then is how you are progressing so that we can pray accordingly. Love yourself and please take care. We need you; your family needs you even more.
Love and blessings.
E Yap

At 10:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear David
You have indeed done very well so far. I am sure we can all understand how much effort you have been putting in in each of your posts. I do feel very tired out myself very often and I would just be doing very little on those days just to catch up with more rests.
We really thank God for His Grace & Strength in you during this period.
Do take more breaks and take good care of yourself. We are praying
for you & your family through this journey :)

At 10:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have been a tremendous blessing thru' what you impart thru' this blog. Please don't push yourself, David. It's good sometimes to re-read your previous posts as there's so much in them to 'digest'. We continue to uphold you & your family in our prayers.

At 2:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We are so blessed by your post. We can read the same post every day and still get new insight from that. We love you and we understand there may be days that you are too tired to write. There must be so many other things you want to do when you are not too tired. We fully understand.

God Bless.

Amos & Paula


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