Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Announcement - Next Round of Chemotherapy

This morning, at 9am, I'm heading into Box Hill Hospital for the start of my second cycle of chemotherapy, starting with an infusion of cisplatin.

Over this last week, I've gradually seen an increase of energy, which is a fantastic feeling, but this will be the first casualty of chemotherapy, and so as you can appreciate, I'm not looking forward to this next round of treatment.

I'd appreciate you joining with me in prayer again. During the last round, the Lord so clearly helped me and my symptoms were relatively minor, and now I'm asking the Lord for the same grace this time around: no nausea, an increase in appetite (appetite usually drops to near zero during chemotherapy), increase in physical strength (fatigue is by far the biggest factor to contend with), and an absense of the general malaise that usually accompanies chemotherapy.

Thanks so much for your support in prayer at this time.



At 8:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We will be with you even as you sit there for the drip.

Love Ho-Yuin & Cindy

At 5:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I continue to pray David and trust God for your continued strength, as he renews you day by day.
Love Leeanne


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