Sunday, April 16, 2006

Away in Hong Kong/China for Two Weeks

Tomorrow morning, I will be flying out to Beijing with Elena to meet up with long-time Hong Kong friends and ministry co-workers. We will then be flying to Hong Kong, where we will spend some time with Elena's parents and family. I will be away for a total of two weeks (and Elena will be away for a total of four weeks).

I'm very much looking forward to this time away, to catch up with friends and family in Hong Kong, but also to have a break with Elena. We celebrated our 20th wedding anniversary in December 2005, but because of all the hospital tests (and the final diagnosis) at that time, there was no way we could get away. So this is a belated anniversary celebration/getaway.

I will try to post during my time away, but this is not 100% certain, so if there is a gap in my posting, you'll know why. I also plan to put up some photos of my trip for you, so I'll let you know when these are available.

Rejoicing in the goodness and grace of God,



At 1:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear David,

We`re so glad to hear you`re doing so good and we praise God for His love and mercy. Have a wonderful time and give our love to your family.

In His precious name,
Love Brad and Carol

At 3:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have a wonderful time in Hong Kong - I am overjoyed that you are well enough to travel. I have no doubt that God will bless you during your time away and somehow sense that being in the "field" where you spent so much of your early, formative years (Asia) is somehow part of God's plan for your healing. Can't put my finger exactly on what I feel but just know that this time will be more than just a good break and celebration of your 20 wonderful years of marriage - I look forward expectantly to your reports when you return.

Love Leeanne

At 9:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi David,
Hope you have a wonderful time in Hong Kong with Elena. And Happy Birthday!


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